Saturday, September 22, 2012

Chapter 2.1: "The social network" Facebook

Dear friends,

Thanks for checking the socializing with social media 101!
This week I would like to share something you always use.
It's the social network - Facebook! I am going to introduce in two parts and this is the first one, now take a look at the picture below *a screenshot of my Facebook, names and pictures are changed and replaced due to privacy issues.

(disclaimer) Before I start with this analysis, please do not get me wrong. I have no personal issues with Japan. The ironic expression about Japanese was about the food itself. This post is created over 6 months ago, it should be free from any issues of the disputed islands.

So you can tell this is a layout of Facebook and from the timeline era. The post was about the Japanese candy I purchased, according to the translated version of the text, by mixing the powder with water and the special ingredients. It will become like marshmallow or cotton candy. However it didn't turn out well. So I posted this photo on Facebook and tag 7 friends that purchased with me on that day.

The way of tagging people on Facebook is very user-friendly, so you don't have to tell them to look at your Facebook one by one. It also created a community of us, my photo was shared with my friends on Facebook but since my 7 friends are tagged. Their friends will see this photo and the content as well, this helps us to spread information.

The content of the post is also very person-oriented, what I am trying to say is even the post is open to all of my friends. But the tone of talking and the content carries implied meaning. There are also uses of smileys, capitalized text to emphasize the meaning. The post also carries typo because social network is a very causal platform for us to communicate. Unlike doing assignments and writing an academic essays. The content itself is more important than the grammar.

The inclusion of photo not only help us to understand the content more, it is also a prove of buying the products. Due to the uncertainties on the internet, it created trust problem, sometimes people tend to look for evidence more on the internet than in real life.

That's it for part 1, please stay tuned for part 2!
Have a good night!
Jen x 


you know jen... i love the function of tagging friends in facebook too!!! It's just so convenient to inform our friends=]
By the way I do want to try this interesting candy@@!

Actually it tastes awful:(
believe me! That's why I am not too keen on Japanese stuff, they always appear so good but turn out not the same thing!!!

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